Anna Rigamonti (*1984) is a graphic designer and multidisciplinary artist based in Locarno, Switzerland. She writes poetry, draws, practices vocal improvisation and creates artistic performances.
After attending the edhea art school (ex-ECAV) in Sierre, Valais, she continued her training through various performance and theatre courses, including a CAS in Performance Art at the Academia Teatro Dimitri in Verscio. Since two years she regularly attends voice and theatre improvisation laboratories organised by the cultural association Carovana091 in Locarno.
Her artistic research focuses on the pursuit of authenticity. Thanks to regular practice of improvisation exercises, both with voice and body, and healing-oriented introspective work, she is able to give shape to strange and surreal atmospheres and images, full of sensuality and deeply connected to the collective unconsciousness.
Anna drew deep inspiration especially from the work of artists such as Alejandro Jodorowsky, Giacinto Scelsi, Niki de Saint Phalle and others.
In drawing, Anna works mainly with oil pastels on paper. The immediacy of this technique allows her to work en plain air and to fix on the support the impressions of the real world, in a short time. The influence of the Impressionists of the mid-nineteenth century is evident. Through a sauvage look, the artist tries to “feel” the subject letting herself be invaded by the colors that are reflected by the light, by their vibration and energy that with intuition and sensitivity she transfers on paper. The result is intense drawings that transmit vitality, and where the simultaneous contrast accentuates the vibrant optical effect. The figures take on a surreal aspect, altering and stimulating the visual codes of the observer.
Curriculum vitae and artist statement available upon request.