2011 – Fanzine Machine opening, Kiosque à la musique de la Promenade Mercier, Lausanne.
Three short performances, played with a gap of about 30 minutes at the Fanzine Machine public presentation.
Co-directed with Milena Buckel and Nicole Murmann.

First performance
Rabbits and frog are doing a choreography with their pom-poms. Then the frog writes the following text with chalk on the floor: “Des siliconées félines au regard brillant d’héroïnes, narines de cocaïne, elles butinent en bottines, elles dominent, les chaudes lapines, des femmes en ruine, coup de carabine.”

Second performance
At the triangle sound, the frog and the rabbits slowly change position. Three immobile positions one after the other: pin-up, animal and statue.

Third sequence
A song by a ‘90s rock band is playing: slow passages are alternated with grungy rhythms.